Jul 31 2014
Don’t Take Flea and Tick Prevention for Granted!
We are lucky in North America! The incidence of many infectious and parasitic diseases is much less than other areas of the world. However, take heed and be on the alert as new diseases emerge and old…
Mar 06 2014
Keeping your Indoor Cat Happy
Over the past number of years, cats have become the most popular pets in North America, with over 70 million pet cats in the United States alone. The lifestyle of the average pet cat has also changed,…
Mar 01 2014
Beware of Dog Breath
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. The purpose of Pet Dental Health Month is to raise the awareness that pets need dental care. The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that…
Mar 01 2014
How Clean Is Your Pet’s Mouth?
Some people hold the belief that it is okay for a dog or cat to ‘clean' their wounds by licking them, or that their mouths are clean. But if you think about the places that they put their mouths,…
Mar 01 2014
Maintaining your Pet’s Health Through Wellness Examinations
To keep your companion animals healthy, you should take them to your veterinarian at least once per year for a routine examination, often called a wellness exam. …
Feb 14 2014
Tooth Infections and Your Pets
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. The purpose of Pet Dental Health Month is to raise the awareness that pets need dental care. The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that…
Jul 17 2012
High-Rise Syndrome
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s your cat, and unlike Supercat she’s not soaring. She has just taken a leap out of your 6th story window, perhaps still brimming with her cat confidence…