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When you arrive

When you arrive at our clinic, you will be greeted by one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary receptionists. Our staff loves spending time getting to know our clients and patients. If your pet likes to pose for the camera, let us know and we’ll take a photo to feature on our Facebook page!

If this is your first time visiting the clinic, you’ll need to spend a few minutes filling out a brief information form. You should also tell us the reason for your visit, so that we can note it in your file for the veterinarian.

While waiting for your appointment, we encourage you to browse our informative displays and brochures. You can also use this time to ask our staff questions about your pet’s care and nutrition.

Your pet’s health care visit

After you are shown into an examination room, a veterinarian will take your pet’s history, and perform a thorough physical examination. They will also discuss any questions you have about your pet’s care

If your pet has any health concerns, your veterinarian will discuss diagnostic testing and treatment options. If your pet requires hospitalization, our team of trained technicians and veterinary assistants will provide specialized care for your pet. This may include administering medications, intravenous fluid therapy, taking x-rays, and collecting samples to send to an offsite laboratory. If your pet needs to continue their treatments at home, we will demonstrate home care techniques and answer any questions you might have about your pet’s treatment plan.

A veterinary visit can leave you with a lot of information to think about! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call our hospital. If you would like any reading material on caring for your pet, or on specific conditions or treatments, please let your veterinarian know and they will be happy to provide that information for you.